It can be hard to control the activity of a member of a horizontal editorial office. At times, most tasks are divided between just two or three people, and sometimes a member takes responsibility for a branch of activity but, for some reason, cannot successfully manage it or dedicate enough time to it. In most cases, an open dialogue and a discussion about whether everybody is comfortable, has enough emotional and physical resources or needs help, solves this problem. Constant informal communication helps ease the environment and makes sure that work goes on as usual.
A simple word of encouragement can also motivate. With approval, people will feel their significance and know that they are supported. On the other hand, support doesn't mean over-praise. You have to be honest with each other and not be afraid to express or accept criticism. The moloko plus collective is always open to new members. However, it became clear that new members have to be extremely motivated in order to be involved in the collective's work regularly. Otherwise some tasks will not be done, and the work process will not be organized effectively. This is why we came up with a long and elaborate procedure of selection, through which only the most motivated readers who want to participate in our work get admitted. Online communication help us organize work with members who live in different cities. We use different apps, such as
Jitsi, and
Telegram. You can organize remote work using cloud storage (like Google Docs) or encrypted online communication services, such as
Delta.Chat, etc.
It is important to establish a relationship of trust with your subscribers and readers. Members of the moloko plus collective respond to messages and comments in our social media, maintaining a dialogue with our audience. After some time, we decided to establish some rules when it comes to managing our social media accounts. Things that are prohibited on our pages are:
— Offensive behavior towards community members or moderators
— Chauvinism
— Racism
— Sexism
— Homophobia
— Antisemitism
— Antifeminism
— Other hateful views
— Spam
— Advertising
— Fake news
— Links to propagandist media
Our administrators ban people who don't follow these rules. However, for four years we managed to avoid such problems.
We communicate more closely with our loyal Patreon subscribers. Our members chat with the subscribers, we make unique content for them (like posts and letters from the collective), organize online-streaming, send out merchandise. It is very important to stay connected with your readers, because not only does that help us learn something new and understand the audience's demands and reactions, but it also assures us that, if we find ourselves in an emergency, the subscriber community will provide whatever help it can.